The Mon Valley Sewage Authority customers now have the option to pay their sewer bills online. eNETPAY is a secure electronic payment processing system the accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express via the internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A convenience fee will be paid to eNETPAY by those who opt to utilize this service; this fee will be added to the payment amount.
You will be given an opportunity to accept or decline the payment after the total amount is calculated.
Online payments must be made by 3:00 PM EST to be credited to the account the same day.
If you are making a payment because you have received a shut-off notice payment must be made by 3:00 PM EST the day before you are due to be shut-off to avoid interruption of service.
If service has been terminated, please contact the Authority office at (724)379-4141